Pursuant to the authority provided by the Democratic Party of Virginia Democratic Party Plan, the Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia (DLOV) will hold its reorganization meeting in March
Please make sure to fill our the form and pay your dues in order to be eligible to vote:
Fill out Form: https://goo.gl/forms/M70yhmPLlX6SPY1C3
Pay Dues: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/2017dlovdues
Candidates must fill out a form. The Candidate interest, questionnaire and statement will be sent out to members.
Please make sure you read the bylaws as well: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B63jDonsJ-nxYWVkNG1ZenRHbUhMREdIaFhadG40TzVZR0k0/view?usp=sharing
Description of Positions:
President - Presides over meetings of the Executive Board of DLOV and the general membership; exercises general managerial tasks with respect to the operation of DLOV; establishes and terminates special committees as needed and appoints a chair to such special committees; shall be notified of each committee meeting and serve as a voting member of all committees; works with Secretary/Membership Advisor to assist with the execution of membership drives and recruitment, retention and renewal of membership matters; appoints a Publicity Advisor to assist with the dissemination of information regarding DLOV; appoints a Webmaster for the organization and oversees the website’s content and information flow; when DLOV becomes an official Steering Committee Organization of the DPVA – the President shall be the DLOV Caucus representative on the State Central Steering Committee of the DPVA; and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of President by other provisions of the Bylaws.
Vice President/Parliamentarian - Presides over the organization in the absence of the President; oversees the schedule and the presentations of meetings of the general membership and programs outside of regular general membership meetings; works closely with the Outreach Director to inform the Members of Regional events and government activities related to our community; shall be notified of each committee meeting; shall take lead on organizing/maintaining the DLOV website with the appointed Webmaster; Oversees the bylaws of DLOV; remains familiar with the bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order; maintains contact with the State Party in order to keep the membership aware of changes in State Party rules and procedures; and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Vice President by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the President.
Secretary/Membership - Transcribes minutes of the meetings; provides a written report of meetings of the Executive Committee and the general membership; coordinates efforts to track and catalog Members of DLOV (including home and e-mail addresses); shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Secretary by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the President.
Treasurer - Establishes procedures to handle disbursements and expenditures; tracks and reports all receipts and disbursements; maintains all financial records; should the need arise, will prepare filing reports to the State Board of Elections; ensures financial records are open to inspection by any member of DLOV at any reasonable time; and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Treasurer by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the President.
Finance Director - Oversees planning and implementation of all fundraising activities; and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Finance Director by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the President.
Outreach Director - Organizes outreach efforts to regional events and government activities geared to our community; informs the membership of these events; works closely with the Membership Coordinator to recruit new members; and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Outreach Director by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the President.
Political Action Director - Oversees political activity of the organization, including voter registration; coordinates efforts with the campaigns of local, state and federal Democratic candidates; and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Political Action Director by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the President.
Regional Vice Chairs - Presides over meetings of the Regional DLOV organizations; exercises general managerial tasks with respect to the operation of the Regional DLOV; establishes an infrastructure and regional officers as desired; establishes and terminates special committees as needed and appoints a chair to such special committees; Serves on Executive Committee of State DLOV.
Six Regional Vice-Chairs, Elected by regional membership
• Two from Northern Virginia (CD 1, 8, 10 & 11)
• One from Central Virginia (CD 3, 4 & 7)
• One from Hampton Roads (CD 2)
• One from Shenandoah/Valley (CD 5)
• One from South/west (CD 6 & 9)